Please don’t drink and drive.

At lunch today, my fortune cookie said “You will have many friends when you need them”. That couldn’t be more true today. The kind words I received today in emails, twitters, facebook comments and text messages really meant a lot.

Last night around 2:30am Tim and I were woken up by knocking on our door. My poor car had been hit by a drunk driver while it was parked on our street. He hit it with such force that it completely flipped my SUV. The driver (who I found out has multiple DUI convictions and was driving on a suspended license) was coming from a bar, hit my car, possibly rolled his as well and went home to bed. Hit and run. Thankfully he left a ton of clues behind at the scene (ATM statement, baby shower invite, hats and his headlight) and was arrested about an hour later.

No one was injured, we were asleep when it happened.  He may be injured but he was well enough to drive away.

This was what we walked out to find.  The debris in the front of the photo is from his Titan.


Here you can see the cement retaining wall that my car got smashed in to.  Luckily it barely missed the utility box!


Here is the tow truck tipping the car back on 4 (brand new, two week old, expensive) tires.


The major damage, where he hit the car.



Well, that is that.  Now I am playing the waiting game on his insurance company to get a statement when he is released from jail.  I am still pretty shaken up by this whole ordeal.